You May Be Missing Out On Silver Sneakers Fitness

Several Medicare Plans include the Silver Sneakers Fitness Program. You may be missing out on this benefit and others like it. Silver Sneakers is a Fitness Program designed for seniors to have a gym membership paid for by their Medicare provider. Several gyms accept Silver Sneakers members, including Anytime Fitness, Crunch Fitness, Planet Fitness, and the YMCA. The full list of available gyms can be found on the Silver Sneakers website by imputing your zip code. Silver Sneakers also offers live online classes and tutorials for their members in addition to the gym membership.

To see if your current Medicare plan offers Silver Sneakers, contact our office today. Any of our agents or customer service representatives will be happy to look up your plan and see if you qualify. If your current plan does not offer Silver Sneakers, your Eversure Agent can speak to you about plans that do offer the Silver Sneakers Fitness Program for 2025.

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