Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you! Our office staff is always here to answer your questions and help with any problems that may occur. Contact us by calling, emailing, or coming to the office in person if you’re nearby. To get a quote, fill out the form below. Please allow us 1-3 business days to return a missed call, respond to an email, or to provide you with a quote.
Business Hours
Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 12 PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Contact Us

(229) 896-2371

108 S. Pine St. Adel, GA 31620

(229) 896-2736
* For the cell numbers of individual agents, please go to their mini biography. Agents would prefer you call the office if a need arises during our business hours. Our customer service representatives are equipped to answer any questions about your plan or handle any problems that might arise.
Get A Quote!

“Dedicated to providing unwavering support and personalized Medicare solutions, Eversure Benefit
Group leverages over 26 years of industry experience to ensure every client receives the highest quality of
care and coverage, empowering them to navigate their healthcare journey with confidence and peace
of mind.”

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