Three Things To Protect Your Child’s Eye Health

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month! Here are three things you can do to protect your child’s eye health.

1 Schedule Annual Eye Exams

Though they might have 20/20 vision now, as a child grows, their eyesight changes too. These yearly exams can help prevent more serious eye problems down the road.

2 Prevent Eye Injuries From Happening in the Home

Ensure cleaning supplies are locked away, and breakable items made of glass are out of reach. Teach your child how to properly handle tools such as scissors before they go to school.

3 Be Aware How to Stop the Spread of Eye Infections

Eye infections like pink eye are very contagious, especially for children in school. To keep it from spreading, make sure you change out the bedsheets and towels your child uses once a day. Emphasize the importance of washing their hands, especially after the child touches their eyes. If your child wears contacts, have them wear their glasses until the pink eye has cleared up and their eyes are no longer irritated.

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A graphic listing the three things you can do to protect your child's eye health, including a cartoon image of a doctor preforming an eye exam on a young girl.