July is UV Ray Awareness Month; Here’s How To Stay Safe

July is UV Ray Awareness Month

July is UV Ray Awareness Month. Here are some tips to keep you safe this summer.

  1. Wear Sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or greater to avoid burns. The sunscreen you use should also cover UV-A and UV-B rays.
  2. Staying in the shade as much as possible, especially from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM when the sun is the strongest and brightest, will help protect your skin as well.
  3. Cover up when you are out in the sun. A hat and sunglasses can protect you from harmful rays, as can wearing long sleeves and pants made out of thin, breathable material.

These simple steps will help you minimize the effects of UV Ray exposure through prevention. It is important to do as much as we can to protect our eyes and skin from these harmful rays. Spending too much time in the sun without these protectants can cause skin and eye cancer. They can also harm your immune system. Go to pchc.org to learn more.

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