Get a Quote!

We are a Life and Health Insurance Agency in Adel, Georgia. We are not a call center. A real, local agent will reach out to you within one to two business days to go over your specific needs. You can expect that call to come from (229) 896-2371 which is our office number. Some agents may call from their cell phones, which you can find on their individual mini biography. If you are unable to take our call, we’ll want to leave you a voicemail so you can call us back at your convenience.
If you’re nearby, we’d love to meet face-to-face with you either at our office or in your home. We set up meetings for Part D Drug plans at the independent pharmacies we’re partnered with across the state. We’re always willing to conduct phone consultations as well. To get a quote, please fill out the form below.
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

“Dedicated to providing unwavering support and personalized Medicare solutions, Eversure Benefit
Group leverages over 26 years of industry experience to ensure every client receives the highest quality of
care and coverage, empowering them to navigate their healthcare journey with confidence and peace
of mind.”

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