10 Ways To Love Your Brain from Alz.org
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. So here are 10 ways to love your brain. Consider adding these healthy habits to your routine! Growing evidence suggests people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline and benefit their bodies and minds by combining these activities.
- Take a class at a local college, community center, or online
- Quit smoking to reduce the risk of cognitive decline
- Reduce your risk for heart problems including cardiovascular disease and stroke by treating high blood pressure and diabetes
- Wear a seat belt and use a helmet when riding a bike or playing contact sports
- Eat a balanced diet, including lots of fruits and vegetables
- Make sure you get a full night’s sleep
- Take care of your mental health by treating depression, anxiety, and stress
- Stay socially engaged by joining local clubs in your community and share activities with friends and family
- Challenge yourself with strategy games or building projects
- Exercise regularly, especially with workouts that raise your heartrate and increases your blood flow
For more information, visit alz.org/
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